Selling Iron?

Why Consign with Penn McMichael?


  • Auctions can be risky because you do not control the selling price
  • Less money in the end for seller because you must haul machine to the auction site, sometimes paint, and pay high auction fees
  • Once you agree to put a machine in an auction, you cannot use it.

Consign with Penn McMichael

  • Puts your interest as top priority
  • You control the sale price – it is not sold until you say it is sold. Not the auctioneer

  • You can use machine while for sale
  • You can decide not to sell for any reason at no cost to you – change mind, get a job where you need it, etc
  • Advertised worldwide on multiple equipment sites and social media sites like Facebook
  • Put in front of hundreds of local buyers as well.

I will come and inspect machine and take pictures and videos to help sell it.

I can give you an realistic appraisal on what you can expect from sale, but you set the price.

For example–If you want $80,000 for it and I can sell it for $82,000, then I make $2000.

If I don’t sell it, you don’t owe me anything.

Need help? Let's chat!
Penn McMichael
Penn McMichael